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Dr. Uwa Osimiri received her elementary and secondary school education in Nigeria and her Bachelor of Science Degrees in Psychology and Sociology from the University of North Alabama. She received her Masters in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix and a Doctoral Degree in Natural Theology with a focus on Comparative Study of World Religious Theology. She has completed her academic work for a Doctorate Degree in Clinical Psychology from Walden University.


Dr. Uwa Osimiri has conducted personal development lecture series entitled “Write Your Own Story” for corporations such as DaimlerChrysler Women’s Forum who have whole-heartedly endorsed her lecture series. She has conducted numerous workshops at the Museum of African American History, Cobo Hall, at numerous schools and universities, international forums and has been a guest on several television and radio talk shows. She is a certified Senior Grant Writer and Instructor. An accomplished Artist and Author, she has completed several manuscripts for publications.

As the President and Chancellor for Chiist University, her duties and responsibilities are to implement and establish the university’s policies, statutory and legal requirements that ensure Best Practice Guidelines in the management of assigned academic objectives. By monitoring, maintaining and sustaining the highest quality standards requirements, oversees national recruitment drive within regions and Interview and hire staff candidates, check references and security clearances. She works with the Board of Regency to monitor regional budget and financial systems to ensure that Projects operate within the academic financial parameters.

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