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The Nkporo community came out in full force to provide Nkporo land for our development projects. We never forgot. We have every intention to ensure that the objectives we promoted and the specifics for making them a reality will be ongoing. His Holiness Ahanyi K.O.K Onyioha and the Eze Aja of Nkporo and all the eight villages of Nkporo were all in agreement and gave their blessings.


Over many years, at the Invitation of Ogele Uwa Onyioha Osimiri, different Americans were invited to travel to Nkporo to visit the community for evaluation of potential projects in Nkporo.

Several of them came with different ideas for what to do to help the community. Some proposals were positive and some were not. The integrity and the preservation of Nkporo culture and community interest has always been at the forefront of our engagement. Some of our visitors were from the African American community, such as the Jack and Jill organization for women and children and others were of a religious and cultural nature.


Overtime more individuals have expressed interest in the activities in Nkporo. We are excited that the time has come for the development of a project named the AWEC Village of Hope” Joe Dome” Project. Please see the Development link for the specifics of the project. We are happy to say that finally in a very short while Nkporo will be the recipient of some magnificent programs and structures not available anywhere else in the world.


We made a promise to His Holiness Ahanyi K.O.K Onyioha who initiated the Palm Plantation in Nkporo, the Eze Aja of Nkporo, the Ezes of the 8 villages of Nkporo and Nkporo community as a whole that we shall bring change and development. The time is here. The time is now.  Now we deliver!


Please click on the drop down menu and see our projected projects.

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